Even with renewable energy being much cheaper, than the regular electricity, it’s always nice to cut the end price even more drastically. Our solar power utility managers compiled few tips for you on cutting the energy consumption of 5 most popular Many nations still rely heavily on coal, oil and natural gas to supply most…
Day: October 13, 2016
The Solar Highways Project

The futuristic Solar Highways project will, of course, be powered by the sunlight energy. But the transformation from a family company’s environmentalist dream to a mainstream reality was made possible only with the popular support and people’s power. Many nations still rely heavily on coal, oil and natural gas to supply most of their energy…
Alt. Energy with No Subsidies

The strategies historically employed to spur expansion of the solar (PV) market are almost always “product oriented.” They are typically based on the progressive lowering of prices through economies of mass production, combined with subsidized Many nations still rely heavily on coal, oil and natural gas to supply most of their energy needs. But this…
A Unique Mix of Opportunities and Challenges for Residential Solar

The global solar sector is in the midst of an unprecedented period of transformation. Within the past five years, the cost of a solar panel has come down 82 percent. Last year alone, China installed more than half as much solar as America has cumulatively. Many nations still rely heavily on coal, oil and natural…